A Valentine for Two Read online
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“I love that color on you.” Avery, her twin sister, rested her chin on Tessa’s shoulder. “It would look great with a pair of black leggings. Why are you being so fussy? It’s not like you.”
With a shrug, Tessa draped the garment over her arm and then turned away from her sister. She hadn’t told Avery about her upcoming date with Hunter. It wasn’t meant to be a secret, but for once, Tessa wanted to keep something to herself. Even if it were only for a little while.
“I need something red for Valentine’s Day.” Tessa paced to the closest rack and shifted through the blouses.
She and Avery were hosting a small party on Valentine’s Day, which was only three days away—just a day after her date with Hunter. For the first time in their lives, Tessa was the one not prepared. She was the organized one, the party planner. In general she loved having people over and mingling with friends. Especially ones she hasn’t seen in a while. However, her heart wasn’t in it. Was her internal clock thingy starting to count down? Telling her it was time to settle down and start a family? She just didn’t feel like celebrating. That was until Hunter entered her life.
“Oh, this is cute!” Avery held up a blood-red blouse. Upon closer inspection, Tessa noticed that the small accent pocket on the left side was embroidered with a rose in a thread just a shade darker than the silk.
“You don’t think it clashes with our hair?”
Although their hair was a natural dark red, most people thought they got it from a bottle. Seeing the blouse next to Avery’s hair, Tessa wasn’t sure it would look as good with hers. They might be identical twins, but there were differences between them. Like Avery’s hair was longer and slightly darker, where Tessa’s had more of an orange hue to it.
Avery moved closer and turned them to the mirror. “Put your hair up in one of your fancy buns and wear pearls. It’ll totally work.”
“Hmm.” Tessa thought for a moment. Avery was right. Plus, Tessa could wear the blouse to work. It would look great under her black blazer.
Meeting her twin’s curious stare in the mirror, Tessa Tried to keep her expression neutral. Yet it was hard not to think of Hunter. He’d been on her mind all morning.
“Who is he?”
Pressing her lips together, Tessa tried to pretend as if she hadn’t a clue what Avery was talking about. It was no use. She was a terrible liar.
“Hunter,” she breathed.
A wide smile formed on Avery’s lips. “I take it the business dinner went well.”
Trying to avoid the conversation until they were somewhere more private, Tessa whirled around and froze at the sight of Jake Braxton—her best friend from high school—standing in front of her. Her heart filled as a sense of giddiness bubbled up. Wow. He sure had changed a lot in the last ten years. His black hair was shorter, barely touching his ears. But the big change was his body. He’d obviously been working out—or just filled out. The skinny teen she’d known had grown into a sexy GQ cover model.
His dark grey t-shirt stretched across a broad chest and was tucked into his black jeans.
A smile tugged at Tessa’s lips as she closed the distance between them and pulled him into a hug. “You look great. How long are you in town?”
If she remembered correctly, he’d moved to Texas after graduation to help his parents with their ranch.
“That depends.” He smiled a brilliant, sexy-as-hell smile after she’d pulled out of the hug.
“Depends on what?”
She frowned and drew her brows together, then glanced at Avery. Her sister grinned as she took the garments they’d chosen from Tessa. “I’ll go check us out.”
Figures Avery would abandon her at a time like this. Tessa’s heart pounded, and her hands felt clammy. Surely Jake didn’t mean what she thought he meant. Did he?
Thoughts of Hunter and the fiery kiss from the night before filled her mind. Shit.
A moment later, Jake’s warm knuckles caressed her cheek. She jumped before taking his hand in hers. “Sorry. You surprised me.”
Jake chuckled. “I arrived in town two days ago and was surprised to discover that you’re a hotshot lawyer. I was going to swing by your office after shopping.” He held up his arm, which had a garment bag draped over it. “Interviewing clothes.”
Pushing her worry aside, she studied him before replying. “I’m a business lawyer, but I’m not a hotshot anything. What are you interviewing for?”
“There are a couple of accounting firms I’m eyeballing.”
An accountant. That didn’t surprise her. He’d always been great at math and problem solving. She recalled a conversation she’d had with her two partners at Barnes, Mcdonnell, and Nelson Law Offices a few days before. Cole and Kenton had mentioned that they wanted to expand and hire an internal accountant.
“Have coffee with me.” Jake’s request broke through her thoughts.
After a quick glance at Avery, Tessa shook her head. “I’m on my lunch break.”
“Then dinner. I’ll pick you up at your office.”
Avery stood by the counter, nodding her head at Tessa. Ignoring her sister, Tessa smiled at Jake. “That would be great.”
He leaned in and kissed her cheek. “It’s great to see you again, Tessa.”
He left before she could shake herself out of the shock of what had just happened and say more.
The click of Avery’s boots caught Tessa’s attention. Her twin waggled her brows. “Well?”
“Well, nothing. It’s just dinner between old friends.”
Avery laughed. “Riiight.”
Tessa rolled her eyes and led her sister out of the store and across the parking lot.
Tessa climbed into Avery’s BMW and put her seatbelt on, the click echoing through the small space. When she glanced over, Avery smiled like the Cheshire Cat. “Something tells me Jake wants more than just dinner.”
“Yeah, I guess I’ll find out later tonight.” Tessa’s stomach flipped as the words left her mouth. She had a date with her best friend from high school, and she actually felt giddy about it.
Crap, she still had feelings for Jake. It wouldn’t be a problem, except she also wanted to see Hunter again.
Hunter studied the large corner office, not seeing why Tessa wanted to change it. The space was open and warm. “What do you want done to it? I personally think it’s fine the way it is.”
Tessa shrugged and sipped her coffee next to him, the soft, floral fragrance of her perfume wrapping around him. “More light, like floor-to-ceiling windows.”
He raised a brow and faced her, studying her perfect profile. She was classically beautiful with her black-rimmed glasses and her thick, red hair wound into a loose bun. His fingers twitched, and he had to fight the urge to touch her, draw her to him, and press their bodies together. Snapping his gaze away from her, he moved to the wall facing the street.
“That’s a lot of work.” He fell silent. The building was three stories, and the law offices were on the second floor. “I’m not sure—”
Her soft chuckle caught his attention, and he cut her a glance. “What’s so funny?”
Smiling wide, she sat her coffee cup on the desk and then stalked closer to him. His cock jerked behind his jeans. “I was kidding about the windows. Track lights installed over my desk would be fine.”
His lips twitched as he turned his body to face hers. “Are you always such a pain in the ass?”
“Yes, I am. It’s my specialty.” Her green eyes sparkled behind her glasses.
The image of him removing her glasses, freeing her hair from its bun, and then threading his fingers through her tresses entered his mind. His cock hardened even more behind the zipper of his jeans.
Reaching out, he caressed her soft cheek with his knuckles. She closed her eyes and leaned into the touch. The temptation was too much. He had to taste her again. He opened his hand and cupped her nape.
His lips were inches
from hers as a soft knock sounded on the door, snapping him out of the trance the beautiful lawyer had placed him in. He stepped away and glanced at the door. His whole body froze as he stared at the man entering the office. A room that suddenly shrank to half its size.
Jake Braxton. An ache formed in his heart. The last time he’d seen Jake, he’d been leaving the man’s bed and life after spending the summer with him.
Without a goodbye.
Hunter had gotten the call he’d been waiting for. The police had found his sister, who’d been missing for over a year. Hunter didn’t think, just hopped on the first plane back to LA, only to discover that she was dead. By the time arrangements had been made, and Hunter had dragged his grieving ass back to reality, it was too late to call Jake.
Today, the other man wore a lavender button-down that, in contrast to his short, black hair, made his blue eyes stand out. Hunter raked his gaze down Jake’s body and fought a groan. His pressed, black slacks showed off his lean, muscular frame perfectly.
Flashes of memory from their amazing summer together formed in Hunter’s mind. Fuck.
Tessa smiled widely as she walked over to Jake and pulled him into a tight hug. “I’m so glad you’re here.” She turned to Hunter. “Hunter, this is Jake, my best friend from high school. Jake, Hunter, my contractor. I’m doing a little remodel of the office.”
Jake’s eyes darkened, and he worked his jaw as he tore his gaze from Tessa to meet Hunter’s stare. Raw hunger mixed with desire rushed through Hunter the moment their eyes met. Heat coiled around him, dizzying.
But it was one-sided. A hint of hurt and anger flashed briefly in the other man’s gaze before he forced a smile and turned his attention back to Tessa.
Giving himself a mental shake, Hunter scanned the office one last time. “I’m going to search for different styles of lighting. Are you free in about an hour to go over them?”
“Oh...umm, no. Jake and I were going to dinner. Hey, come with us.” Tessa glanced at Jake. “You don’t mind, right?”
Jake smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. He just squeezed Tessa’s hand. “Of course, not. Where are we going?”
“I thought we’d go to Frankie’s. It’s a club and restaurant right on the beach.” Tessa stared at Jake, her gaze lit up with joy. Then she turned to Hunter. “Is that cool?”
Jealousy churned in his gut, yet at the same time, he was intrigued by the possibility of being alone with both of them. Even if it was only dinner. However, there were too many unresolved issues between him and Jake. “I think I’ll pass. You two have fun.”
With a short nod to Jake, Hunter made his escape out of Tessa’s office before she could talk him into going. He headed toward the elevators. One thing was clear. He had to get the hell away from both of them and clear his head before he slammed the office door and did something stupid, like beg Jake for forgiveness or kiss both him and Tessa.
The elevator doors opened, and he went inside. Leaning back against the wall, he closed his eyes. His head was messed up. How could he want both of them?
Chapter Three
Of all the places to run into Hunter Reeves, Tessa’s office was the last place Jake had expected. Damn the man for looking hotter than Jake remembered. An ache formed in his chest as he watched Hunter rush out the door like his pants were on fire, which they probably were. The desire Hunter had ignited within Jake several months ago returned despite the fact that the other man had broken his heart.
Taking a deep breath, Jake shook his head to clear the mix of hurt, lust, and anger Hunter had brought forth, then focused on Tessa’s smiling face. The heat he felt when he looked at her intensified and washed away some of the hurt. He’d always loved her. He just hadn’t known how much until he saw her again at the mall a few hours ago after their time apart.
Hunter had been a fling. Tessa was his future. He just hoped she would return his feelings. Yet the way Tessa gazed at Hunter said there was something more going on between them. Jealousy pinched at Jake’s insides.
Snapping out of his thoughts, he forced a smile. “Is he your boyfriend?”
Tessa drew her brows together and averted her gaze. “To be honest, I’m not sure.”
A dull ache formed in his heart. “But you like him.”
“I like a lot of people.” She lifted her gaze to Jake’s, and a warm smile reached her eyes. “Are you jealous?”
He hooked an arm around her waist and tugged her against him. “Maybe.”
Laughing, she framed his face in her hands. “There’s something you’re not telling me.”
There was no hiding things from Tessa. She knew him too well. “You are too intuitive.”
“Nope, I just know you well enough to tell that something is bothering you. Ten years apart hasn’t changed that.” She ran her fingers through the hair above his ears, sending a shockwave of heat straight to his dick.
“Hunter and I know each other. We had a weekend fling last summer.”
She pulled back and stared at him, her smile not fading like he’d thought it might. “Seriously? What happened?”
He studied her for a long moment. Her smile had faded slightly, but her brows were bunched together in worry. The urge to brush it off, to tell her it had meant nothing to him tugged at a deep corner of his mind. However, he’d never been able to lie to Tessa. It was why they were such great friends.
Brushing a finger over her bottom lip, he told her. “He left Texas without a goodbye.”
Tessa’s brows rose, still bunched together. “Wasn’t he supposed to? I mean, you said it was a fling.”
He released her and scanned the office, not wanting her to see the disappointment that talking about Hunter raised within him. “I wanted more. Guess he didn’t.”
When she didn’t speak right away, he glanced at her. She held his stare, one corner of her mouth pulled to the side. “You still want him.”
“I’m sure the feelings aren’t mutual. He made that clear when he cut town without a word and didn’t bother to call me.” Jake was done with this conversation, but by her raised brows and pursed lips, he could tell that Tessa wasn’t.
“He could’ve had a family emergency or something. Avery said he recently lost his sister.”
Every muscle in Jake’s body froze. Hunter had told him that his sister was missing. Could it... “How long ago?”
Tessa shrugged. “Sometime toward the end of summer.”
“Damn it,” he whispered. Sometimes, Jake, you can be a real ass.
Tessa stepped closer. “What?”
“I’m not a hundred percent sure right now, but it has something to do with me being an insensitive ass.” Jake raked a hand through his hair. “Are you ready? I may owe Hunter a huge apology.”
“Yes.” She walked to the wardrobe to the left of her desk and grabbed her purse from inside.
When she stopped next to him, she linked her fingers with his. A jolt of pleasure raced through him, and he tightened the hold. He gave a quick tug, and Tessa stumbled into him, her body smashing into his. Cupping her cheek, he stared into her heated gaze. “It’s great to see you again.”
“Yes.” Her smile widened.
“If you had to choose between Hunter and me, who would you pick?”
Conflict masked her features, and her brows dipped again. Placing a finger over her lips before she could say anything, he whispered. “What if you could have us both?”
Tessa stood there, mouth open, staring at Jake as he walked toward the elevators. No...he hadn’t just asked her to date both of them. Did he? Would Hunter go for it?
Wait. Ugh. She was not considering it.
After shutting her office door, she rushed over to her best friend with every intention of getting him to clarify a few things before they headed to the restaurant. However, Cole met them at the elevators.
Damn. There was no way she was going to have a ménage a trois conversation with one of her business partn
ers present. She smiled at Cole and introduced Jake. “This is Jake, my BFF from high school.”
The auburn-haired man gave a short nod and extended his hand out to Jake. “Cole Nelson. Nice to meet you.”
“Likewise.” Jake shook his hand as the elevator doors swooshed open.
“Jake’s moving back and interviewing for accounting positions.” Tessa glanced to Jake and smiled.
Cole nodded and met her gaze. “I trust you to get his resume then.”
An awkward silence passed between the three of them as they rode to the first floor and walked out the building together. When she and Jake were alone in his car, she turned to him. He shook his head and started laughing.
“I was teasing you. About the trio thing.”
She stared, not knowing what to say. A part of her was intrigued by the idea, while another wanted to hide under a rock. After a moment, she clicked her seatbelt. “You’re not funny.”
“What? Were you actually considering it?”
She didn’t look at him because she didn’t want him to see the truth. “No.”
He chuckled and started the car. “Yes, you were. Now I’m intrigued. I might have to have a chat with Hunter.”
She turned to him once more and studied him. His lips were lifted in a teasing grin as he focused on the road. Happiness bloomed in her chest. She’d missed Jake’s teasing. Sure, they talked on the phone every other month or so, but it was great to have him here.
Dinner with Jake was tension-free and fun. While the man turned her on as much as Hunter, she knew how to handle Jake. After all, she’d loved him since high school. A relationship with him would be easy. No expectations.
“Why didn’t you ever tell me you were a lawyer in our letters?”
She shrugged. “I told you I was going to law school.” It had been the toughest time of her life.
“Yeah, and then the letters stopped for a while. Until months after your parents died.”
“I was in my last year of law school. I almost didn’t finish. It was all I could do to get up in the morning. Avery pushed me to be strong and see it through.” The deaths of her parents had been sudden and had hit both twins hard. They’d gone out for dinner one evening and never returned. Never even made it to the restaurant. They were hit by a drunk driver a block from home. Tessa blinked a tear away at the memory. Avery had needed Tessa to be stronger, they both did.