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Dragon's Web Page 3

  Nyna blinked. Was she for real? “You’re right, it is hard to believe.”

  “It’s the truth.” Kara reached for her hand, but Nyna moved off the stool, out of her ex lover’s reach.

  “I’m sorry, I can’t do this. When you left without a word, I was crushed. We were making plans for a future and then you just disappeared. Like everything we had meant nothing to you.” Nyna took a breath and fought to keep the tears from falling. “Just leave. Please.”

  Kara opened her mouth, then closed it. After another moment, she left.

  Nyna sagged into herself. She so wanted to redo the whole morning. Just recently, the stress of losing her parents and her lover within days of each other had finally lessened to the point where she could deal with daily life. Then Kara shows back up with the crazy story that she was abducted?

  Was it a story?

  Kara had never lied to her before. However, it just sounded off. Why hadn’t she heard about it before now? Nyna’s heart sank. Kara didn’t have family that would miss her, even if she ended up dead. Why hadn’t she at least listened?

  Rushing to the door, she darted outside and glanced down the walkway. Kara was gone. Disappeared from her life. Again.

  Good one, Nyna. Let’s see who else you can scare off today.


  Kara knocked on the door, her head hung low and her pride shattered just like her heart. She should have expected Nyna’s reaction. Hell, she’d been a lot nicer about kicking her out than Kara would have been if the tables were turned.

  When the door opened, she muttered, “Don’t you dare say I told you so.”

  Cayden grunted. “I don’t have to. You just did for me.”

  Meeting his stare, she pursed her lips before saying, “Laugh it up, dragon.” She pushed by him and dropped on his sofa, ignoring the growl he gave as he stalked closer.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I don’t have a place to stay.”

  He let out another low growl, drawing her attention to his face. She swore she saw smoke roll from his nostrils as his eyes flashed from ice blue to silver then back in a matter of seconds. His masculine jaw worked, making the hard edges of his features more visible. She had to admit, the male was hot. Her skin heated and her cat purred. The urge to rub up against him was strong. But so was her will. What is wrong with me? Maybe she was so hungry for companionship she was sensing things that weren’t meant to be.

  Keep telling yourself that lie.

  “Two Creeks Inn is on Albrecht Drive.”

  She shrugged. “Yeah, but I’ll be spending a lot of time here anyway so we can search for the murder weapon.”

  “The inn is within walking distance.”

  Grumpy dragon. She shook her head. “It’ll be easier if I stay here. Plus, we’ll have a chance to get to know each other better.”

  He froze and drew his brows together. “What are you talking about?”

  Kara released a sigh and drew circles on the arm of the sofa with her index finger. “I’m still in love with Nyna, and if you take her into your web, I come with her.”

  He was quiet for so long, she glanced up to study his expression. Despite what she saw there, she was serious. She didn’t want to live her life without Nyna. If it meant stepping into a dragon’s web and entering into a union with both of them, so be it.

  He stared at her intensely and worked his jaw as if in thought. Was he angry with her and trying to gain control over his dragon? She was treading on his territory, after all. He’d already told her that Nyna was his chosen female.

  After another moment, he turned toward the downstairs bedroom. “You can stay in one of the rooms on the second level. I’m not to be woken before eight AM. In fact, don’t bother me at all before noon. My agent is hounding me to finish this damn manuscript.”

  He disappeared into his room and shut the door behind him. Kara frowned. She’d expected a bigger fight. The dragon was up to something. Or knew something she didn’t.

  If Cayden thought to ignore her, he was mistaken. For reasons she didn’t understand yet, she felt an attraction to him, even though she loved Nyna. One thing was for certain, Kara needed to find the murder weapon and submit the evidence to put Henry behind bars. She needed to give Nyna the closure she deserved.



  Cayden exited his home and strode across the street to Nyna’s house. When Kara had told him she wanted into the web, he’d waited for his dragon to protest. After all, dragons were very territorial. Yet, it never came. Instead, the beast entertained the idea of uniting with both females.

  Two life partners. He shook his head to try and clear it. If it were any other female besides Kara, he’d be all for it. But he and Kara didn’t get along on the best of days.

  He knocked on Nyna’s door and smiled when she opened it. She returned his grin, but seemed tired. “Did I come at a bad time?”

  She shook her head as she turned to lead him into the house. He closed the door behind him and watched her walk into the living room. His dick hardened at the sight of her swaying hips. Tearing his gaze from her ass, he scanned the room. A sense of peace lingered, but that could be from the infuser she had going in the far corner. The scent of rosemary and mint perfumed the air. Just like in the bookstore.

  “Would you like something to drink?”

  He faced her and held out his hand. “What’s wrong?”

  She averted her gaze. “My uncle is back in town, early.” She frowned but continued. “He seems annoyed and is more…judgey than normal. I know that’s not a word, but it’s the only polite thing I can think of right now.”

  Cayden dropped his hand and stuck both of them in his pockets. The urge to comfort her was too strong. If he did that, he’d want to taste her. No, he couldn’t push her. She’d been through too much in the past eighteen months.

  “Your uncle is an ass. There is no need to be polite on my account.”

  She let out a soft laugh, then turned serious again. “Kara came by.”

  The mixture of hurt and confusion rolling off her made his chest tighten. Fisting his hands inside his pockets, he silently cursed Kara for not waiting like he’d first suggested. “I know.”

  “You do?” She sharpened her gaze. “Do you know that she lied and told me some crazy story about being kidnapped and held prisoner?”

  Damn that female.

  He ran a hand through his hair in frustration. “She didn’t lie to you. She’s at my house now. Come with me so the three of us can clear the air.”

  She stared at him, her eyes narrowing. “What’s going on?”

  “I’ll explain at my place. You know I have no reason to lie to you.” He stepped closer to her, unable to stand the small space between them any longer.

  After a few moments, she nodded. She dug through her purse and pulled out her keys. When they reached the door, she muttered, “It’s bad, isn’t it?”

  He just nodded as she locked the door, not wanting to lie to her or tell her the truth until they got back to his house. Because he ran the risk of losing Nyna forever with the theory Kara had. They were going to have to be gentle with the way they told her. No matter how mad she got at her uncle, he was Nyna’s only living family. And after the tragedy of her loss, he knew family meant a great deal to Nyna.

  Cadyen, however, would do anything to protect what was his. Including convincing Nyna that her uncle was a cold-blooded killer. If it meant keeping her safe he would whatever was necessary.

  Nyna entered Cayden’s home and narrowed her eyes at Kara lounging on the sofa like she’d moved in or something. An odd ache formed in her heart. Yet, she didn’t have a right to feel hurt. After all, she’d kicked Kara out of her store that morning.

  She was still unsure of Kara’s story. If it were Nyna, she’d be traumatized by being held against her will. But then she wasn’t a shifter. Maybe they were made of tougher stuff?

  Kara stood, her gaze locking with Nyna’s briefly b
efore she sent a questioning glance to Cayden. “What’s going on?”

  “Nyna, have a seat, please.” Cayden motioned toward the sofa, but Nyna sat in the chair across from where Kara was. Turning to the other woman, Cayden said, “You will explain everything, starting at the beginning.”

  Kara glanced from him to Nyna, opened her mouth then closed it, and finally dropped her shoulders and eased back on the sofa. “Remember we went to the office the morning your parents died?”

  Nyna nodded, not really wanting to remember anything about that day. Her uncle had been very angry about something. Her dad had looked broken. “Dad and Henry were arguing about something, even though they tried to hide it from us.”

  “After I walked you to work, I went back to your dad’s office. I had picked up on some weird vibes from Henry and felt like something bad was going to happen.” Kara studied her fingernails. “When I got there, they were shouting at each other. Then a shot rang out. A moment later, your mother showed up, screaming. I heard her say that she was going to call the police and tell them everything. Henry told her he couldn’t let her do that, then there was another shot.”

  Nyna shook her head. “That doesn’t make sense. You’re wrong. There had to be someone else in there. Someone else did the shooting.”

  “I’m not wrong. When I entered the office, I saw Henry wiping off a gun before shoving it in a brown paper bag. Both David and Crystal were dead.” A tear rolled down Kara’s cheek.

  Nyna let out a sob and hugged her waist. “I don’t believe you. Why would my uncle kill them?”

  “I don’t know. I was in cat form, and at first I thought he hadn’t seen me. I fled the building and ran to my apartment to think of what I would tell the police. When I got home, I had a welcoming party.”

  Nyna sat back in her chair. “What do you mean? Was that when you were kidnapped?”

  “Yes. Somehow, Henry knew it was me. He had a few of his minions pick me up at my place.” Kara closed her eyes briefly. “I never meant to hurt you, Nyna. I didn’t go to the police right away because who would believe that I saw a murder while in cat form? I needed to come up with a believable story so they’d follow up and catch Henry.”

  Frowning, Nyna felt like a bitch. Kara was her best friend, her lover, and the only person who understood her love for books and all things unique. Nyna had loved her. She still did. Rising, Nyna moved to sit on Kara’s other side and took her hand. “This is hard to believe. I can’t see any reason for my uncle to kill my parents. His own brother and sister-in-law.”

  “I believe Kara is telling the truth,” Cayden said as he stood, drawing Nyna’s attention. She glanced over at Kara, who stared at him with her brows drawn. Before she could ask what was going on between them, Cayden added, “We need to find the weapon before the police will listen to us. You two think of where to start while I order dinner.”

  Nyna shrugged. “I don’t know where to start. God, I can’t believe I’m about to investigate my uncle for the murder of my parents.”

  “I’m sorry, but I wouldn’t lie to you, Nyna. Not about this.” Kara reached over and cupped her hand. Nyna turned hers over and linked their fingers.

  “He really did kidnap you? Why didn’t he kill you, too?”

  Kara shrugged and snuggled into Nyna. “He wanted to use me as insurance, leverage, in case you found out.”

  Henry didn’t move to Woodland Creek after the deaths like she had. The small town had always been like a second home to her. She and Kara had spent the summers there with her grandmother for years, visiting the Observatory and digging for pyrite at the Fool’s Gold Cliff Recreational Area. Yet, Henry had always hated the town. That fact alone gave Nyna reason to question his motives for buying a home here. Was he keeping tabs on her? Making sure his secret was safe?

  “Henry has been visiting more often. A few months ago, he mentioned moving here permanently. I ignored the comment because he hates it here. Then he bought a house in New Town a few weeks ago.”

  “When he and your dad were arguing, David called him a thieving bastard.”

  Nyna nodded, not surprised about the name calling between the men. “They always fought about stuff. It was like they competed with each other. Constantly. I’m surprised they were able to run a business together.”

  “Do you have access to the company files?” Cayden asked when he returned to the room.

  Frowning, Nyna locked gazes with him. “I’m on the board, so yes. But the company is public. You can get their annual reports from their website.”

  He shook his head. “All doctored information. We need to know what is being covered up.”

  “If there is anything to cover up.” Nyna narrowed her eyes. Cayden raised a brow at her in challenge, fueling her annoyance all the more. He wasn’t just sexy, he was stubborn. “Henry would know the moment I started snooping around. I haven’t taken an interest in the company since my parents died. It would be too suspicious if I started now.”

  Kara sat up, excitement in her eyes as she spoke. “Do you have friends that you still talk to that could get you the info?”

  A smile lifted her lips. “Joan, Dad’s assistant is still there. I believe she works in accounting now.”

  “Prefect.” Cayden handed her his cell phone. “Make the call.”

  A nervous laugh escaped Nyna. “And ask for what?”

  “Ask her if she remembers anything from before your parents’ deaths. It’s not that unusual for you to investigate things for yourself; to hope that there is still a clue out there somewhere that could lead to the killer.”

  “Oh, right.” Nyna took Cayden’s cell, put it on speakerphone, and dialed. Joan answered on the first ring. “Hi Joan, it’s Nyna.”

  “Hi, darling. How are you?”

  The soothing, cheerful sound of the older woman’s voice made Nyna smile. “I’m good. I was calling to see if you might want to get together for lunch tomorrow. There are a few things I want to ask you about my dad.”

  Joan fell silent for several moments. “Sure. Can you meet me at work around twelve-thirty?”

  “Sounds great. I’ll see you then.”

  When Nyna ended the call and handed the phone back to Cayden, she frowned. “She was a little hesitant.”

  Taking the phone and slipping it into his pocket, Cayden shrugged then sat on the armchair across from her and Kara. “When was the last time you talked to her?”

  “A few months after the funerals.” Sadness raised its head and seeped into every part of her. She’d tried so hard to pick up the pieces of her life and her heart. Then Kara came back, digging up old wounds.

  “Hey.” Kara cupped her cheek. “I would never do anything to hurt you. Not purposely. I want to help you find the closure you deserve.”

  Nyna sighed and rested her forehead to Kara’s. “I know. Maybe that’s why I never stopped loving you.”

  Kara lifted her head, her eyes filled with tears. “Thoughts of you were the only thing that kept me sane during my captivity.”

  “Nyna, please remember my earlier proposal.” Cayden’s calm, low voice drew both women’s attention. Nyna sensed Kara tense beside her.

  “I remember, but you said it was my choice.” Nyna couldn’t shake the feeling that her whole life was about to be turned upside down and torn apart. If Henry had truly killed her parents, it was going to crush her.

  Cayden flicked his gaze from Nyna to Kara, and then back to hold Nyna’s stare with an intensity she’d never seen in him before. “Kara has offered to join our union, should you choose to be my partner.”

  Glancing at Kara, Nyna tried to read her friend but it was no use. Kara’s features didn’t change. She turned her attention back to Cayden and studied the way he watched her. There was heat in his gaze as well as something primal. She took a breath and released it slowly. “You are willing to date both Kara and me?”

  A sensual smile formed on his full lips. “Dragons usually only choose one life partner. Many of us are too te
rritorial to try to have more than that. However, it is much more than a courtship and marriage. If the two of you accept me as yours, we’ll bond and form a link between the three of us that can only be broken by death.”

  That sounded a little too permanent. Nyna wasn’t sure if she could bond with anyone without loving them. Sure, she loved Kara, but their relationship was damaged from the time they’d spent away from each other. A time where Nyna had tried to hate her for breaking her heart. Then there was Cayden. She’d lusted after him for years, dreaming about how it would feel if he wanted her as much as she wanted him. She’d only recently found out that he felt the same.

  “I can’t commit to either of you. Not right now. I mean, Cayden, you have never been anything but my dad’s friend…well, until lunch today. Kara, you and I have some lost time to make up. And now, with the accusations that Henry may be the killer…I just don’t know what to do. I’m confused, hurt, angry, and tired.” Nyna stood and began pacing. Everything was coming at her all at once, and it was a little overwhelming.

  Cayden closed the distance much faster than she could track visually. In the next moment, she was wrapped in his arms, her body flush against his with their clothes as the only barrier between them. Her heart rate increased, but it wasn’t out of fear. No, she’d never fear him. She wanted him too badly.

  “I don’t make such decisions lightly. I’ve known you since you were a child. Even then I felt a connection. Not like I do now, of course. Now I know you belong with me.” He stroked her cheek with his knuckles, sending a shiver of desire straight to her core.

  “What about me? Why did you not argue with my offer earlier? I don’t have feelings for you.” Kara folded her arms as she stood beside them with a frown on her face.

  Cayden smiled and caressed Kara’s cheek with his other hand. Kara sucked in a breath, narrowed her eyes, and stepped back. Without releasing Nyna, Cayden gripped Kara by the upper arm and drew her closer so that he held each of them. He pressed his lips to Kara’s ear and growled, “It wasn’t until our argument this morning that I realized you were mine, too. You frustrate me and stir the dragon’s fire like no one has done in a very long time. That was when I knew the dragon had chosen you, as well.”