A Valentine for Two Page 3
Looking to change the subject she asked, “How did the job interview go?”
“Not as well as I had hoped. I have a few more lined up, but nothing sounds promising.”
She nibbled on her bottom lip, wondering if she was pushing it by suggesting they work together as well as date. “As you might have guessed, the firm is looking for an inside accountant. Right now, Kenton’s assistant and new wife, Aimee, is doing the bookkeeping. I know she’d be glad to turn it over to someone else.”
“Sounds great.”
“Really?” She snapped her gaze to his, her heart blooming with happiness. “I’ll talk to Colt when I get into the office. I can call Kenton to get his okay.”
He leaned into her, adding heat to the flame he’d sparked earlier that day, and kissed her quick on the lips. “Thank you.”
She melted into him. “That’s what friends are for.”
The waitress dropped off the check. “Is there anything else I can get you?”
“No, thank you.” Jake handed her cash. “Keep the change.”
“Thank you.”
When the waitress left, Jake leaned into Tessa. “Let’s go back to my place and catch up.”
Heat rose up from deep within. If she went back to Jake’s, she knew she’d want things she wasn’t ready for. “As much as I would love to, I can’t. Not until I figure out the thing between Hunter and me.”
Jake sighed dramatically. “I so feel like the other guy.”
“Stop.” She shoved at him playfully. “I just don’t know what to do, and I won’t lead either of you on.”
“You know that’s why I love you so.” Jake smiled and kissed her forehead as he led her out of the restaurant and to his car.
“I know.” She hugged him close. He’d always told her he loved her. During high school, she had thought he meant it as them being best friends. He’d never told her otherwise. Now, she wondered if he’d meant the words to be...more, and wondered if the signs had always been there and she’d just never seen them. Why did life have to be so complicated?
Chapter Four
The office was quiet, not that it had been noisy the day before when Hunter was there, but the stillness in the air was strange. Especially since he knew Tessa was there...somewhere. He’d caught a glimpse of her as she shut herself in Colt’s office, leaving Hunter to wait for the sexy lawyer.
He eased down into her chair and scanned the items on her desk. The surface was clean of personal effects except for two small, framed photos on either side of her computer screen. One was of her and Avery. The photo appeared to be a selfie taken by Tessa. The background indicated that they were on a cruise ship.
The other photo was of a smiling older couple wrapped in each other’s arms. The woman looked too much like the twins to not be their mother.
The clearing of a throat came from the doorway, drawing his attention. Tessa folded her arms and glared at him. “Are you comfy?”
He stood but didn’t move from behind her desk. In fact, his whole body froze in place as he drank her in. Her red hair fell in waves around her shoulders, accenting her milky skin and green eyes. She didn’t wear any makeup, not that he could tell, anyway.
Tearing his gaze away from her, he glanced at the photo of her and Avery. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen your sister in a dress.”
“Since you knew my sister when she danced, you haven’t seen her in much of anything.” She smiled, but he could tell it was forced. The tremble in her voice told him that. Yet she wasn’t afraid of him.
“True, but since she’s taken over management of the bar, she dresses a little more professionally.” Avery was beautiful and had a great figure, but she’d never turned his head. They were only friends.
Tessa was another matter entirely. For some reason, he wanted her like he wanted no other woman. Then there was Jake. The taste of him that Hunter had gotten in Texas only whet the desire churning inside him.
Stepping closer to Tessa, Hunter leaned in and whispered, “Are we still on for dinner?”
She flattened her palm over his heart, searing her imprint into his chest. Heat rushed through his veins, and his dick pressed painfully into his zipper.
Shaking her head, she pushed him back. “This isn’t going to work. Leave me a bill for your time.”
His heart seized a split second before hammering behind his ribcage. Fear of never seeing her again almost made it hard to breathe. When she moved to walk away, he grabbed her arm out of reflex. “Are you firing me?”
She met his stare, narrowing her eyes. Her forehead creased in a hard, angry line. “I don’t think it’s going to work. Things...are complicated.”
He narrowed his gaze. “Does it have to do with Jake?”
She wrenched her arm from his grasp. “You need to leave.”
He studied her green gaze for several moments before giving a nod and walking out of her office. Conflict played on her features. Her eyes sparked with desire and passion, while her brows drew together. But what told him she didn’t truly mean her words was the slight twitch in her left cheek. It was the same type of tell Avery had when she was upset. Only it was Avery’s right eye.
Thoughts of the day before entered his mind. Jake had picked her up.
With a smile, he pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed Avery’s number.
“I thought you said your sister was single.”
A soft snort sounded over the phone. “As far as I know, she is. Why?”
“I asked her to dinner, she said yes, and when I brought it up again, she fired me.” She went quiet. After a moment, Hunter added, “Is it Jake?”
“That’s my guess, but I haven’t talked to Tessa—”
Hunter ended the called, cutting her off. He’d hear it from Avery later. But in that moment, he wanted to track down Jake.
He was halfway across the parking lot when Jake stepped out of a white Lexus. When the other man met Hunter’s gaze, he froze. Crossing the parking lot, Hunter advanced on him, all the while noting how the muscles in Jake’s jaw flexed.
“We need to talk,” Hunter stated when he stopped in front of Jake.
Shutting the car door, Jake shook his head. “There’s nothing to talk about.”
He was wrong. Hunter had plenty to say, but where to start? Saying sorry would only delay the hurt more. Or was it one-sided, and Hunter was about to make a complete ass out of himself? Taking a deep breath and releasing it on a sigh, he spoke the words that had churned in his head since meeting Jake last summer. “I never meant to have feelings for you.”
Jake stilled and stared into Hunter’s eyes, the mistrust evident. “It’s too late. I’ve moved on.”
When Jake moved to walk around him, Hunter gripped the man’s wrist. “With Tessa?”
“That’s none of your business.” Jake sharpened his gaze and worked his jaw. His cheeks colored slightly as if angry.
“Do you believe in fate?” It came out as a whisper, almost a plea.
“I do.”
Jake jerked his arm from Hunter’s grasp. “I learned a long time ago that I make my own destiny. Nothing is ever handed to you.”
“No, but people are brought into each other’s lives for a reason.” Hunter leaned against the car as Jake walked away. Closing his eyes, he said, “I’m attracted to both you and Tessa.”
Jake stopped but didn’t look back. Hunter straightened. “Meet me for lunch at Lola’s.”
That got his attention. Jake faced him with a raised brow. “You want me to have lunch with you at a gentlemen’s club?”
Hunter shrugged. “Avery is cleaning it up, making changes. The girls don’t dance on stage anymore. It’s much more relaxed and private.”
“Fine, I’ll be there at noon.”
Hunter gave a short nod then watched Jake cross the parking lot and enter the building. The man still unnerved Hunter—in all the right ways. All he had to do was get Jake to trust him a
gain and agree to coax Tessa into a threesome.
Although Hunter didn’t want a one-nighter. He wanted a lifetime. With both of them.
Chapter Five
“Why did you fire Hunter?” Avery’s voice squeaked on the other end of the cell phone connection.
Tessa leaned back in her chair and tapped a pen on her mahogany desk. Her pulse still hammered, her blood still ran hot with the flood of desire Hunter had ignited within her. Confusion clouded her mind, and for the first time, she was unsure what to do.
“I...I panicked.” It came out as a whisper. What the hell was she going to do?
Jake was her first crush, her best friend. He knew all her secrets. Well, at least the secrets she’d had in high school. At one time, she’d believed she loved him. She still sort of believed that. When she’d seen him at the mall the day before for the first time in ten years, old feelings stirred, and a new hope for happiness rose within her.
Then Hunter had flashed his perfect, masculine smile down at her. Her heart ached. Confusion clouded her judgment. Jake showing up with promises to stay and to take their relationship further than just friends complicated everything.
God, she’d wanted to call Hunter back, tell him what an idiot she was.
Avery’s concerned voice broke through her thoughts. “I’m here. And I’m very confused.”
“Well...Jake is bi, and I happen to know Hunter is, too. Maybe we should introduce them and see if they like each other. Then, who knows.”
Oh they definitely like each other. But Tessa didn’t miss the taunting, smirk-like tone hidden in her sister’s words. “I’m not dating both of them.”
“Why not?”
Tessa opened her mouth, then closed it. Words failed to form. She needed to talk to Jake.
“I’ll talk to you at home.” Tessa hung up before her twin had a chance to argue—or taunt her—anymore.
A moment later, as if conjured, Jake appeared in her office doorway, a bright smile lighting up his handsome features. However, when his eyes connected with hers, he frowned. “What’s wrong?”
She stood and moved to the door. “I’m not really sure. Can you go to lunch in a few?”
“No, I have something I need to take care of.” He averted his gaze as he spoke the words.
His blue eyes snapped back to hers, and he took both of her hands in his. “I’m not sure what it is right now. I’ll pick you up at your house tonight, and we’ll talk. Promise.”
Cold dread settled in the pit of her soul. We’ll talk never worked out well. With a nod, she said, “Pick me up at seven.”
His electric smile returned, and he cupped her cheek, running his thumb over her lips. Tingles skittered over her skin. “I spoke to Colt, and he said to check with you on a start date.”
A smile tugged at her lips. “That’s great. The best time to start would be Monday. Aimee and Kenton should be back then.”
Snaking an arm around her waist, he drew her closer and pressed his lips to hers in a quick kiss. “Sounds perfect. I’ll see you at seven.”
“Yes.” She kissed him, allowing her mouth to linger on his a few moments longer than she’d intended. “See you tonight.”
“Pack an overnight bag.”
After the initial shock, a fiery need burst through her at his words; a hunger for the man she’d known most of her life. He turned and left her office. Damn. There was only one thing she could do to stay focused on Jake. Stay the hell away from Hunter.
Hunter sat at a corner booth in Lola’s, nursing his second beer. He had no idea what to say to Jake. So much had gone unsaid, and for far too long.
He glanced at the door as Jake entered. Avery stopped next to him and laughed at something he said. A moment later, she kissed him on the cheek and pointed in Hunter’s direction.
The men locked gazes as Jake made his way to the table and sat across from Hunter. Nodding, Hunter pointed to the beer in front of Jake. “I ordered you a beer.”
Jake nodded. “Thanks.”
An awkward silence fell between them, and Hunter muttered a soft curse. He’d fallen in love with Jake over a year ago. Quickly and fiercely. Why had the circumstances of their parting, and the distance in location and time put so much tension between them? Leaning forward and placing a fisted hand on the table, he spoke. “I didn’t mean to leave without a goodbye. I got the call about Cara... Fuck. I never told you.”
Jake placed his hand over Hunter’s fist. “Tessa told me that Cara died. I’m so sorry.”
“I didn’t know until I got home. I thought I’d arrive, and she’d be okay, and I’d return to you. But when my mom told me that they’d found Cara’s body... I wasn’t in any shape to be with anyone. I retreated to my beach house and didn’t talk to anyone for months.” It was Avery who’d shown up and demanded that he get his ass back to work. Admitting that she missed seeing his smiling face at the club.
Jake wiggled his fingers into Hunter’s fist and squeezed his hand. “I wish I could have been there for you. With you. I feel awful for being angry all this time now that I know the truth.”
“You had every right to be angry. By the time I pulled my head out my ass, I figured the damage was done, and it was too late for me to call.” Hunter unfolded his hand and linked his fingers with Jake’s. “The last thing I wanted was to hurt you.”
“I fell in love with you that summer,” Jake admitted softly. “I think I still am.”
A spark reignited the flame Jake had started in Texas. Hope bloomed, and Hunter wondered if Jake would want to share Tessa. “I want to start over. With you and Tessa.”
A smile formed on Jake’s mouth, and damn if Hunter didn’t want to lean in and claim those lips. “Tessa will take some convincing.”
Hunter brought Jake’s hand up to place a kiss in his palm. “Or at least convince her so whole-heartedly—and with such intense pleasure—that she won’t want to say no.”
Jake’s baby blues locked with Hunter’s own gaze. “I missed you.”
Hunter cupped Jake’s head with his other hand and drew the man to him over the table. “Ditto.” He claimed Jake’s lips in what was supposed to be a quick kiss.
A groan escaped Jake as their tongues twined, and need vibrated through Hunter. Desire filled him. He broke the kiss. “Let’s get out of here.”
“My place is close.”
Chapter Six
“I’m not discussing it with you.” Tessa sat her overnight bag on the end of the sofa then moved to the kitchen to grab a glass of wine.
Avery followed her. “Why not? I think it’s a great idea. It’d give you time to get to know Hunter better and figure out what to do.”
Facing her twin, Tessa studied her, closely. “You know something.”
“No.” Avery darted to the wine fridge and pulled out a bottle of Moscato.
“Uh-huh, sure.” Tessa pulled two glasses from the cabinet. When her sister didn’t offer any information, Tessa pushed. “You’d better tell me what you know.”
“Or what?” Avery lifted her lashes and pressed her lips together as if trying not to smile. She didn’t have the willpower to lie to Tessa. Neither did Tessa with her. It was a weakness, a drawback of being twins.
After a long moment, Avery poured the wine and dropped her shoulders. “They had lunch together today at Lola’s.”
After Avery turned toward her, she handed over a glass and smiled. “They are plotting against you, sis. That is all I’m saying. Hell, I’ll be in trouble with both of them for saying that much.”
Tessa took the glass and shook her head. “No.”
“Oh, yes.”
A knock sounded on the door, and Tessa’s heart sank to her belly. Avery chuckled and darted out of the kitchen to answer it. This wasn’t happening. They couldn’t actually want to have a threesome. Could they?
Rounding the corner to enter the living room, Tessa
met Jake’s blue gaze as he entered the foyer. Her heart thumped rapidly, and she melted. He’d always had that effect on her. “I’m ready.”
By the time she reached the sofa, Jake was there, picking up her bag. He gazed at her, his brows bunched together. “What is it?”
Tessa didn’t miss how his gaze darted to Avery before returning to her. Yep, her sister definitely knew more than she let on. Tessa would have to deal with her later. Right then, she had to deal with Jake and whatever he and Hunter were cooking up.
“I’ll talk to you about it in the car.” She motioned to the door.
Jake studied her for a brief moment before he waved to Avery and walked out of the apartment. Silence filled the tiny space between them as they made their way to his white Lexus. He gripped the door handle but didn’t open it. Instead, he leaned into her and hovered his lips over hers.
“What has you so upset?”
“I’m not upset.”
One corner of his mouth lifted. “What is bothering you, then?”
“I kind of fired Hunter this morning.”
She shrugged and traced the edge of the door handle. “I’m not sure. I guess I got scared. I don’t want to lose you.”
Without taking his eyes off the road, Jake covered her hand and squeezed. “You’ll never lose me. If it came down to a choice between him or me, all I want is for you to be happy.”
She sucked on her bottom lip to hold in her groan. The men were plotting against her.
She was in trouble.
Chapter Seven
As soon as they pulled into the parking lot of Frankie’s, Tessa spotted Hunter with his muscular frame leaned against his truck. His ankles were crossed, and he had his phone to his ear. By his drawn brows and the creases in his forehead, she guessed it wasn’t a pleasant call.